Thursday, April 16, 2009


Words, in any given language can have many meanings and serve many purposes. Evidently communication serves as the main purpose of words.
Words, verbally can always be retracted or denied, however when you put your words on paper, in writing, you can never get them back. Those words can never be retrieved and can be linked to your name forever. This perhaps was the reason for my reluctance in starting a blog.
Although communication is the reasoning behind words, how many of us are actually successful in communicating with others? How many people on a daily basis do we truly understand?
In my opinion, gestures can be just as powerful as words. Symbols of love, affection and understanding can serve just as well as words, if not even better.
Is language a help or a hindrance?
Without language we would be lost, but that does not mean with it we're not lost either. The human race is in fact lost, we have lost and lowered our standards, lost our drive and most importantly lost the sense of what is right and what is wrong.
I'm afraid words aren't going to fix what we have lost in the world. Gestures however, are a different story.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


As you can see the title of this blog is 'Life'. I laughed as I decided to give this title to my post as isn't everything we dare to ramble on about somehow linked to life?Be it ours or someone else's. Life, as it turns out is a fickle process, it is inevitable to continue even in times when we feel we can't, and, at our lowest it will always throw something that we are least expecting to happen into the works. Our impact in the world is perhaps miniscule, not to us or our loved ones or the ones that by some means whose lives we've touched. But, in reality what has our existence truly achieved? After recently reading 'Man's search for meaning' by Viktor Frankl, it led me to think about my meaning, anyones meaning, does it even exist? Are we born into a world which already has plans for us or do we create our own destiny? My answer to this is simply that our lives encounter a bit of both. We are in control of our own destiny but maybe this is altered by the world that is presented to us, is it life infact that has coloured our perspective on life? There is one thing for certain however, when things are going right you can be sure you're in for a fall. To put a name on it well, that's just life.